Purchasing a lawnmower can sometimes be very intimidating, especially if this is your first lawnmower. We have a large variety to choose from. Key factors to consider when purchasing a lawnmower: a) The size of your lawn will determine the strength of you motor, whether its electric or petrol, and if electric, will it cover the distance? b) What is my terrain access and outlay, do I need something small and light or even self-propelled? And c) Age… Yes, your age can be a factor and an influence when considering weight and self-propulsion options. Age should not keep you from the enjoyment of cutting your lawn. d) Climate/location? Living close to the seaside, we all know that everything loves rust, an alloy chassis might need to be considered… In a nutshell, don’t stress! We’ll ask the right questions for you and make a recommendation. All you need to do is…make contact with us.
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